Cleal’s Wheels Stay and Play | Didcot

Each Cleal’s Wheels session is packed full with baby toys, sensory equipment, ride-ons, bouncy castle, push alongs, balance bikes and more.

cleals wheels, monday toddler group willbrook leisure centre, didcot stay and play monday

Cleal’s Wheels also runs a ‘pay it forward’ scheme where you can make a contribution to help families who may be unable to afford activities for their children.

£5 per child, £3 for siblings, £2 for under 1’s

Sessions run term time with pop up sessions during school holidays and bank holidays

Book online


Business Name: Cleal's Wheels

Address: Willowbrook Leisure Centre, Didcot, OX11 7AF

Opening Times:

Mondays - 10:00 - 11:30am
Wedesndays - 10:00 - 11:30am

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