Creating More Space In Your Home And Reducing Clutter

Your home should be a sanctuary of calm and order, not a source of stress caused by clutter and disarray. Creating more space and reducing clutter enhances your home’s aesthetic appeal and promotes a healthier, more peaceful environment. Here are practical steps to achieve this transformation.

Assess Your Space

Begin by critically assessing every room in your home. Identify areas that feel overcrowded and note down items that no longer serve a purpose or bring you joy. This initial assessment is crucial in setting clear objectives for your decluttering project. Tackle one room at a time, separating items into categories: keep, donate, sell, or discard. Be ruthless in your decision-making process; if you haven’t used an item in the past year, it’s likely you don’t need it. However, if you’re lacking space for your possessions, consider using self storage from Now Storage to help clear some space.

Maximise Storage Solutions

Invest in smart storage solutions that complement your living space. Under-bed storage boxes, over-the-door organisers, and modular shelving units can dramatically increase your storage capacity without compromising on style. Consider multifunctional furniture, such as ottomans with storage or beds with built-in drawers, to keep everyday clutter out of sight. Aside from making excellent storage solutions, they are also decorative pieces that can help add character to a room.  It’s also worth utilizing signage, like that from STOREMASTA especially if there are any dangerous goods that should be known about in storage.

Embrace Vertical Space

Often underutilised, vertical space holds immense potential for storage and display. Install floating shelves to store books, plants, and decor. Wall-mounted racks in the kitchen or bathroom can keep essentials within reach yet neatly organised. This approach saves floor space and draws the eye upwards, creating the illusion of a larger room.

Cultivate Habits to Maintain Order

Decluttering is not a one-time task but a continuous effort to keep your home in harmony. Develop daily routines to prevent clutter from accumulating. Make it a habit to put things back in their designated place after use and to regularly review and clear out items that have outlived their usefulness.

Simplify Your Decor

A minimalist approach to decor can significantly enhance the sense of space in your home. Choose a neutral colour palette for walls and large furniture pieces to create a cohesive look. Opt for fewer, more meaningful decor items to reduce visual clutter and allow your space to breathe.

Regularly Reassess Your Space

As your needs and lifestyle change, so should your living space. Periodically reassess each room to ensure it still meets your requirements. Be open to rearranging furniture, repurposing rooms, or letting go of items that no longer fit your current situation.


Creating more space and reducing clutter in your home requires a blend of practical action and a shift in mindset. You can transform your home into a serene and spacious haven by systematically decluttering, investing in smart storage, and cultivating habits to maintain order. Remember, a clutter-free home looks better and promotes a healthier, more relaxed lifestyle. Start your decluttering journey today and enjoy the benefits of a

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