Interior trends: Plants bring style and healthy air to your home

Lush greenery makes any interior cosy. What is more, plants clean and moisturise the air and have a beneficial effect on the human psyche. But they, too, need care. Choose them to reflect your own style and the style of your apartment. And don’t forget to give them some tender, loving care – they’ll reward you by blossoming into beauty.

The urban jungle and botanic chic interior styles have become increasingly popular in recent years, employing large natural motifs such as leaves and flowers in the interior. The urban jungle effect is best created in an apartment furnished with naturally warm materials such as bamboo, reed, or wood. Plants, however, will also bring new life to minimalist and industrial apartments. It all depends on which pots and plant stands you choose.

Make the most of your space

Many of us fight a battle over every last inch of space at home. Use the vertical to make sure your jungle has enough living space for you and your family. Multi-level plant stands or ladder shelves are practical in this respect. You can also hang plants in apartments with high ceilings. Kokedama, moss balls, are great for this, as indeed are classic hanging plant pots. Also, you consider staircase parts, they provide traction so that people don’t slip while walking up or down the stairs.

Let them go green

Yellow leaves and wilted plants won’t do much good. So try to indulge your house plants with the right light conditions. Some species thrive by the window, while others hate direct sunlight. Also, beware of watering your plants too much. Most common house plants only need watering once a week, after the substrate surface has dried slightly. The best idea is to decide on a specific watering day and go around all the plants at once. Boiled (not boiling!) water with a lower mineral content is the best for watering. During the heating season, your plants will also benefit from a little wetting. Regularly wipe the dust from the leaves and remove any dry ones.

Green interior stalwarts

The monstera has become a symbol of the urban jungle interior style on account of its large distinctive leaves and easy cultivation. It comes from the South American rainforests, likes a bit of shade, and grows like wild. Other undemanding and popular plants include plants with colourful leaf patterns, such as the aglaonema, the dieffenbachia, or the caladium. You’ll feel as if you’re in the jungle at home if you bring in houseplants such as the ficus, the dracaena, the yucca, or the banana tree, while the romantic among you will love the delicate flowers of African violets and exotic orchids.

Save space in your apartment with overhanging and climbing beauties, which you can hang or place on the furniture. Ideally, for example, a Ceylon creeper, a chain of hearts, or a senecio, which looks like green beads hung on a thread. In the kitchen, meanwhile, it is handy to have some fresh herbs at hand, country borage being another practical green helper.

Houseplants that make every room cosy

If you are looking for plants that are unconventional and less well-known, try the exotic kokedama. These are plants that have soil wrapped in moss instead of pots. Another popular novelty is marimo, which is grown in aquariums or vases with water. They’re easy to take care of – all they need is light and a change of water two times a month.

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