Top Tips to Improve Your Home’s Kerb Appeal and Get It Ready for Summer

Believe it or not, summer is just around the corner. When the warmer months roll in, many homeowners enjoy nothing more than getting outdoors and enjoying the sunshine. If you’re one of the many millions like this, you may prefer to spend your summer days out in the front or back garden. With that said, you’ll want your abode to look aesthetically pleasing and bring you plenty of joy. To do just that, it’s time to focus on boosting your home’s kerb appeal.

There are plenty of changes you can make to your property’s exterior that can make it stand out for all the right reasons on the street. Whether you’ve got pennies to spare or cash to splash, here are some great tips on how to boost your home’s kerb appeal and have everything done and dusted just in time for summer.

Revitalise Your Front Door

Let’s face it, your front door is the focal point of your property. With that said, it’s wise to give it a fresh new look. Doing so can significantly enhance its overall appeal and have passers-by take notice (for all the right reasons!). If you’re on a shoestring budget, why not look into giving your front door a fresh coat of paint? It’s best to stick with bold, inviting colours that complement your home’s exterior. You may want to go one step further and update your door’s hardware. This could include installing new door handles. Take a look at Corston who can help you with this. They sell brass door handles, door furniture an array of other products that can transform the outside of your home.

Clean Your Windows

When summer arrives, and the sun beats down, you’ll want it to pierce through your windows and make the inside of your home look more inviting and airy. For this to happen, it’s time to give your windows a good scrub. If you haven’t got into the habit of doing this already, your windows are going to be full of dirt and grime. All the mixed weather conditions the UK is known for can wreak havoc on your windows, so now is the time to pull up your sleeves, grab a sponge and bucket and get to work. Once your windows are clean and shiny, you’ll be amazed at the difference!

Add Greenery and Colourful Plants

There’s nothing that screams summer and vibrance more than greenery and colourful plants. While you may fill your back garden with lots of plants, you should be doing the same at the front of your home too. Whether you’ve got family popping over for a summer BBQ or friends, they’re sure to be impressed if you fill your home’s exterior with greenery. For example, you could have hanging baskets near the entrance of your property that will create an inviting atmosphere.

Enhance Your Driveway

A cracked or worn-out driveway can detract from your abode’s overall appeal. If your driveway has gone through lots of wear and tear over the years, now is the perfect time to repair any damage, clean stains, and apply a fresh coat of sealant to restore its appearance. You may even decide to splurge on having new paving laid down. Whatever route you take, you can be confident you’ll be left with a more visually appealing driveway.

Fire Curtains

Fire curtains are passive fire protection systems that deploy automatically in the event of a fire, preventing its spread by confining flames, smoke, and heat to designated areas within buildings.

Sort Out Your Porch

While a lot of your focus will be on the front of your property, pay some attention to your porch too. When guests rock up to your home, you’ll want them to have a pleasant experience before they even walk through the front door. If your outdoor porch is cluttered and unkempt, this isn’t going to set the right tone. What’s more, a messy porch can quickly diminish your home’s kerb appeal. There are lots of ways to make your porch look amazing and well-maintained. This may involve getting rid of debris, removing cobwebs and polishing fixtures.

Give Your Exterior a Lick of Paint

For homeowners who have paint on their property’s exterior, it’s bound to peel or fade over the years. Therefore, giving it a fresh coat of paint may be the answer. When you repaint your home’s exterior, this can give your property a whole new look, not to mention boost its kerb appeal. Just make sure to opt for colours that complement your property’s architectural style and the surrounding environment. Neutral shades are the way to go. It’s best not to choose striking colours as they may stick out like a sore thumb on the road!

Your home’s kerb appeal says a lot about you as a homeowner and what’s on the inside of your property. Before summer is in full swing and you’re making the most of the glorious weather, there are plenty of easy improvements you can make to your property’s exterior that don’t have to break the bank.



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